lobster lake / murder house
i visited my friend Onkle Chrispy at his ancestral home, there was a man made lake with no source from river and we walked along the sandy shore of it. the sand was so soft under our feet... i noticed that even though the lake was a horror of stagnation the beautiful soft white sand went all the way to the bottom of the lake. the sand shore of the lake went uphill to a room in Chrispy's house that i never was in before and was overgrown with trees... we went up the hill of sandy shore to this room and suddenly there were these scorpion-like lobsters that lived in the lake crawling around and swimming in shallow water at our feet. Chrispy would touch their bellies or grab them by their backs. Some of the lobsters were burned black on top from living in filth. I sat on a bed that was like 1 foot wide and four feet high and had old stereo-cabinet type wicker siding... Chrispy smoked and we watched TV and laughed... Then we went down and followed an old path through the hills to his ancestral home proper... i was glad because there was a giant dog/lion that lived on his street and i didn't want to see it or be chased by it. Then i helped some teenagers who wanted to visit the home where a friend of theirs had been brutally murdered years earlier... i had lots of equipment for testing and analysis. I also had the magical dog Jango with me and my girlfriend. i wasn't sure i approved the girls going into this house which had been locked up since the crime... i was running around outside the house paranoid. it turns out the house was never cleaned up or anything, so there was blood and body matter, guts, whatever, all over the walls and carpets... they were screaming and vomitting - the girls, not the blood. Blood is always quiet. Anyway, i wanted everyone to leave immediately but Jango was in the ventilation system and it took a while to get him out and the girls wanted to explore more. finally, we left and my mom showed up and i told me she parked her car on the street and used a green button that she bought which would later locate it. That concerned me but i understood the technology enough. I was walking with Chrispy and my mother on the same trail through the hills that we were on previously, but this time the trail was much more treacherous and narrow... At times we had to walk on these upright thin peices of material that were very flimsy and broke easily under our weight. I was worried about me mommy. We were navigating this tightrope of flimsy material on the trail and had make some turns when we saw a little black child living inside of a metal sign in a parking lot. Chrispy got to the street first and threw rocks at the sign angering the child living in the sign. We couldn't see my mom's car anywhere and we were inside of a store that was long and made of a mismash of rooms... they sold everything and the rooms were dirty and old and had hallways connecting different rooms/stores... i was trying to find the green wireless car detection unit that my mom was using to find her car. it was difficult, no room sold anything specific and nothing was in order. i was in a hallway with Chrispy when he saw the blurred image of a beast crawling in a bathroom through the crackle-glass of its window. I crept up to the bathroom door and then ran away. Then i found the green plastic car locater. it was cool. it had red lights on it for different features. Finally, I was supposed to go to Chrispy's ancestral home but the street was crowed with lots of children and young adults with guns shooting at things and people for fun. By the time i navigated my way to the end of the cal de sac it was dark and the house had no lights on it. there were tree trunks with barbs in them by the front door and i went inside and called out for chrispy but neither he nor his woman were there. i left sad. as i was leaving a light went on but i kept walking...
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